Contact MJ@TreasureHearts when extremely interested in this item.
Enterbay - Real Masterpiece 1044 - Rouge - Twelfth Master Chen "Rouge", is one of the classic movies in Hong Kong. The story is about a ghost called "Ruhua" came to 1980's Hong Kong and found her old lover "Twelfth Master Chen". The artist acted as "Twelfth Master Chen" was handsome and smart.
In the movie, "Twelfth Master Chen" and "Ruhua" created a romantic but sad love story which actually was a beautiful misunderstnding. In "Rouge", the main artist "Twelfth Master Chen" was so elegant and gorgeous that making the character one of the most classic ones in Hong Kong movie history.
- 1 head sculpts of museum-like representation of Twelfth Master Chen with authentic likeness, it is a shooting facial expression.
- The head sculpt is hand-painted with newly developed "multi-layer" paint application.
- Newly developed Asian body with 30 points of articulation
- Accurate Chinese style clothing with detail pattern.
- Newly developed Twelfth Master Chen signature interchangeable hands. 4 pieces in total.
- A pair of Chinese old style shoes.
- A wooden made Chinese old style chair which according from ROUGE movie.
Come with a piece of memorable certificate (limit of 5,000).
Conditions: Used (Displayed), Very Good